
European Commission Digital

Dutch AS4 Energy Market Profile available in English

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The non-profit association NEDU (de Vereniging Nederlandse EnergieDataUitwisseling) has published the AS4 Energy Market Profile (AS4 Energiemarkt Profiel”) in English.

In September 2019, the Dutch energy sector formally approved a specification of AS4 as communication protocol in the Dutch national energy market.

The Dutch energy sector develops its own market processes under the supervision of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM). NEDU plays a central role in the development and implementation of market processes and is a platform that connects the roles of various market operators. It covers both gas and electricity and both wholesale, retail and metering processes.

AS4 is the message exchange protocol promoted by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eDelivery Building Block. “AS4 Energiemarkt Profiel” is closely based on the CEF eDelivery AS4, including the Four Corner Enhancement and Pull enhancements.