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European Commission Digital

Domibus v3.2RC1

This page collects the resources for Domibus version 3.2 RC1, released in September 2016. 

Download Domibus v3.2RC1

All binaries, sample configuration and testing can be found in the nexus repository
The source code is available on the project git repository


We are happy to announce the first release candidate Domibus 3.2 RC1 sample implementation of the eDelivery Access Point.

The Domibus 3.2 RC1 new release includes:

  • Improved JMS management
  • Improved default configuration of the message queuing with Dead Letter Queues
  • Harmonisation of the plugin registration across the supported application servers (Weblogic 12c, Tomcat 8, Wildfly 9)

  • Additional quality controls on the default web service plugin
  • Facilitation of adding new participants thanks to the upload of the truststore from the administration console
  • Implementation of CRL (Certificate Revocation List) checks
  • Support for JDK 8

In addition, since the latest stable release Domibus 3.1.1, extensive debugging and issue-solving has taken place.

Important note: this is still a release candidate, not to be used in a production environment. To ensure the strongest sample implementation possible, this version is still being improved. Users are therefore invited to provide feedback during the acceptance period (15. September until 3. October 2016).

We will release the final production-ready 3.2, currently expected on 10. October 2016.

Migration from 3.1.1 to 3.2 RC1

In order to upgrade to Domibus 3.2 RC1, you need first of all to run the right migration script which depends on your DB vendor.

Afterwards replace the domibus.war in the appropriate deployment folder and the plugin(s) jar(s) into \domibus\conf\domibus\plugins\lib". Since the installation of the plugin(s) has been simplified and it is straightforward (just copy the jar in the plugin folder), you don't need to modify the war anymore (this was the case only for WebLogic and for WildFly) .

For Tomcat installations only, the activemq.xml has to be replaced and re-configured according to your environment (transportConnector uri, authenticationUser, redeliveryPolicy).

If you are using samples keystores, mind that they have been changed because the old ones are expiring on the 26th of October 2016.

For more about the Domibus configuration updates click here. 


Quick Start Guide (pdf)
This guide allows the user to quickly get started with Domibus. After completing this document, you will have a local Domibus instance up and running locally on a Tomcat/MySQL environment.
Testing guide (pdf)
This document is intended for developers that want to perform a set of checks on their Domibus installation and testers that want to have a starting point to create their own test cases.
Licence (pdf)
European Union Public Licence
Interface Control Document of the default JMS (pdf) 
The purpose of this document is to outline the JMS Data Format Exchange to be used as part of the default JMS backend plugin
Interface Control Document of the default WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin
Administration Guide (pdf) (coming 10th Oct. with Final Release)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to deploy and configure Domibus on WebLogic, Tomcat and WildFly with MySQL and Oracle. It also provides detailed descriptions of related Security Configurations (Policies, Certificates, TLS Configuration), Message Filtering, PMode Configuration, Application Monitoring, Registration of custom plugins and Troubleshooting.
Plugin cookbook (implementation manual) (pdf)
After reading this document the reader should be aware of the capabilities provided by the Domibus plugin system. Additionally a developer familiar with the AS4 protocol will be able to implement a plugin integrating an existing back office application into Domibus
Domibus Software Architecture Document (coming 10th Oct. with Final Release)
This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict individual aspects of the system.  It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system

Release note

Please find below the list of the solved bugs and of the improvements and new features implemented in this release. 


  • [EDELIVERY-985] - Remove the generated jaxb classes of the domibus-ws-plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-1077] - Remove generic data type <T> in MessageSubmitter / MessageRetriever
  • [EDELIVERY-1121] - Distribute the WebLogic/WildFly plugin configuration for the default WS/JMS plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-1133] - Adding new participants should be easier - upload certificates
  • [EDELIVERY-1172] - Add the Weblogic WSLT scripts to the
  • [EDELIVERY-1177] - Integration tests should be run by the failsafe plugin in the integration-tests phase
  • [EDELIVERY-1183] - Harmonize the plugin management on Tomcat/WebLogic/WildFly
  • [EDELIVERY-1264] - When receving the AS4 message add the possibility to perform a validation

New Features

  • [EDELIVERY-807] - There should be some XSD validation.
  • [EDELIVERY-1132] - Implement CRL & OCSP checks
  • [EDELIVERY-1142] - Improvement of the monitoring with Dead Letter Queues
  • [EDELIVERY-1189] - Display the version number of Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-1212] - Etrustex plugin: adapt the plugin in order to send/receive the conversation Id to/from Etrustex
  • [EDELIVERY-1409] - Test recommended eSens policy with 3.2 RC1 on both sides



  • [EDELIVERY-965] - Unsupported parameter: javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec
  • [EDELIVERY-974] - Sending a message with the receiver both in the From and To
  • [EDELIVERY-976] - Duplicating required elements in the request does not generate an error
  • [EDELIVERY-977] - Adding irrelevant attributes to required elements does not generate an error and the values are ignored
  • [EDELIVERY-978] - Public key encryption algorithm
  • [EDELIVERY-988] - Encryption is not working on Java 8
  • [EDELIVERY-1136] - Default Plugin Webservice - MTOM
  • [EDELIVERY-1142] - Improvement of the monitoring with Dead Letter Queues
  • [EDELIVERY-1148] - Wildfly with Oracle issues.
  • [EDELIVERY-1174] - Backwards compatibility issue between 3.1.1 and 3.2-SNAPSHOT
  • [EDELIVERY-1211] - Etrustex-plugin: if the XSD validation fails do not submit the wrapper/bundle
  • [EDELIVERY-1240] - DB deadlocks and QueryTimeoutExceptions duing tests with eDelivery gateway
  • [EDELIVERY-1269] - Message download retention_downloaded.
  • [EDELIVERY-1320] - "Not found" insead of "too long" error message for Submit message values.
  • [EDELIVERY-1323] - Submit Message with service element not present returns generic error.
  • [EDELIVERY-1406] - In the "tomcat full" distribution package, the war file is not present.
  • [EDELIVERY-1407] - No Candidate for Leg Found in domibus-MSH-3.2-SNAPSHOT-tomcat-full
  • [EDELIVERY-1426] - Upload truststore does not store the content as expected
  • [EDELIVERY-1438] - Remove the "Installation_Instructions.pdf" from the release

Known issues and limitations

  • Security of the default plugins needs to be improved
  • Sending a message to yourself is forbidden