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European Commission Digital


eDelivery Stakeholders onboarding

About the service

The eDelivery Stakeholders onboarding service aims to facilitate the onboarding process for stakeholders interested in reusing the cross-border interoperable digital services deployed under the CEF Telecom programme. The Stakeholder Management Office supports users in the steps towards an eDelivery implementation by delivering the following supporting sub-services: workshop, demo, webinar, articles and news items and Communication.


The scope of the eDelivery Stakeholders onboarding service includes provision of coordination and support throughout the user journey, from discovering the cross-border interoperable digital services deployed under the CEF Telecom programme to its operation in a production environment. The steps covered in this user journey are:

  • Discover: to support the onboarding process of stakeholders (Prospecting);
  • Evaluate: to help identifying the specific business needs and translate these into requirements (Elicit requirements); to help designing the eDelivery infrastructure taking into account the message exchange, the discovery and the security models (Design); and to help choosing the eDelivery solution to use from among Open Source, commercial solutions or a custom built solution (Select);
  • Start: to support the deployment the eDelivery solution and enable users to benefit from the Service Desk and the Training & Deployment service (Deploy); and to support the integration of an eDelivery Access Point, with backend(s) and/or with partners and undertaking of follow-up connectivity tests (Integrate).
  • Use: to support the Go-live of the eDelivery solution (Operate).

Who can use the service?

The eDelivery Stakeholders onboarding service is intended for the following type of users:

  • Policy Domain Owners – Involved in the roll-out of EU or national policies that require the secure exchange of documents and data.
  • IT architects – Involved in the design and operation of document and data exchange systems such as eDelivery.

Benefits of using the service

The benefits of the eDelivery Stakeholders onboarding service for its users are as follows:

  • Targeted and on-demand activities: benefit from engagement activities that aim to increase the knowledge around eDelivery and support the users’ onboarding process;
  • Facilitate the adoption process: benefit from reuse experiences and best practices bringing together an eDelivery Community and facilitating access to useful information;
  • Reduced learning curve: implementers benefit from the eDelivery Team’s expert knowledge. This reduces cost and time to implement a data exchange network.


eDelivery Stakeholders onboarding Service

Last updated: September 2020