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European Commission Digital

eInvoicing Services

eInvoicing Community management

About the service

The DIGITAL eInvoicing Community management service aims to facilitate the adoption of the Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing by enabling interactions between the different types of users (e.g. public entities, suppliers, service and solution providers). The key objectives of this service are to:

  • Raise awareness of DIGITAL eInvoicing Building Block via dedicated events, implementation workshops, online communications, eInvoicing action plans, incl. benefits analysis and country factsheets.
  • Enable stakeholders to stay informed share their feedback about relevant eInvoicing topics via a dedicated eInvoicing User Community.
  • Enable stakeholders to contribute to relevant DIGITAL eInvoicing topics and actions launched by the eInvoicing team via a dedicated the eInvoicing User Community.


The scope of the DIGITAL eInvoicing Community management service includes monitoring the eInvoicing pages/spaces and eInvoicing content and supporting the users. The table below covers the steps of this user journey.

DiscoverPresent the information to users and raise awareness about eInvoicing.

Users share experiences related to the implementation of the eInvoicing Directive and work undertaken by the DIGITAL eInvoicing team.

  • Participate in eInvoicing webinars, expert panels, surveys, etc.
  • Users are invited to promote their topics on the eInvoicing Collaboration Space and participate in the community.

² The DIGITAL eInvoicing Team includes the project manager, the marketing team, the service desk, and the onboarding manager.

Who can use the service?

The DIGITAL eInvoicing Community management service targets the following types of users:

  • Public entities (incl. country representatives): Public sector contracting authorities involved in the transposition and implementation of Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement and the adaptation of EU and national policies.
  • Suppliers: Entities doing business using the European standard on eInvoicing. They are involved in the creation, usage and exchange of eInvoices according to national obligations.
  • Service and Solution Providers: eInvoicing service and software providers involved in the design, operation, and implementation of eInvoicing systems/solutions compliant with the Directive 2014/55/EU and the European Standard (EN 16931-1:2017 semantic and CEN/TS 16931-2:2017 syntaxes).

Benefits of using the service 

The DIGITAL eInvoicing Community management service brings the following benefits to users of the service:

  • Follow the policy updates and eInvoicing stakeholders' feedback: Users are aware of the policy updates and can access shared experiences related to adopting eInvoicing.
  • Allow engagement and exchanges about eInvoicing with other users (e.g. stakeholders can suggest topics and discussions held in the collaboration space of the eInvoicing User Community).
  • Reduce the learning curve and learn from others' experiences: Users can cooperate, access expertise and reduce the time and cost spent on implementing the eInvoicing Directive. This strongly fosters exchanges on best practices and lessons learned.
