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European Commission Digital

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Private Service Providers

This section describes how private sector service providers can connect to an existing eIDAS-Node in order to offer online services capable of identifying customers and consumers from other Member States. These organisations may include banks, e-commerce platforms, telecom operators and any other types of private sector service providers.

1Get familiar with legislation

The eIDAS Regulation (910/2014) and its implementing decisions set the legal framework overseeing electronic identification (eID). As a summary of the legislation, Member States must implement an eIDAS-Node, which is configured to recognise all national notified eID schemes in Europe. Therefore, any service provider connected to an eIDAS-Node will be able to authenticate users from different Member States and offer them services. While there is no obligation for private sector service providers to connect to an eIDAS-Node, there are a number of compelling  benefits  in doing so. In fact, eIDAS encourages Member States to support the voluntary reuse of governmental eIDs by the private sector, although each Member State remains free to set the conditions for this reuse.

2Understand your Member State's approach

The specific steps required to connect to your national eIDAS-Node will depend on your Member State's chosen infrastructure and technology , as well as its terms and conditions . Read our  country overview  to learn more. Each Member State has appointed a  Single Point of Contact  to help you get started.

3Define requirements and scope

No matter what the chosen infrastructure and technology in your Member State, identify online services that you would like to connect to eIDAS. These are usually services that require a "high" or "substantial"  level of identity assurance . In some Member States, you may be asked to prepare a proposal defining your requirements for identity assurance and how you would like to use eID. This proposal helps to determine if eIDAS eID is the right solution for you.

4Draft an integration plan

If your Single Point of Contact, or the organisation responsible for eIDAS integrations in your Member State, decided that eIDAS eID is the right solution for you, you will further continue working with them to plan your services' integration with the eIDAS-Node. Involving them helps to make sure that their support and experience is available to you when needed. You may keep your plan brief with just enough information to give an idea of what will be delivered, when and by whom.

5Integrate and test

Integrate your service with the eIDAS-Node in a test environment and run end-to-end tests for all use cases. Some Member States' eIDAS teams may also offer connectivity or conformance testing services.

6Go live and promote

Go live with your online services and promote them to citizens and businesses across EU borders.