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European Commission Digital

eID Documentation

How to integrate an eID scheme

This page is for Identity Providers wanting to learn more about integration with the eIDAS Network in their country. National eID schemes that will be notified need to be connected to the eIDAS Network. This will enable users of that eID scheme to access online services offered in other countries (if those services have also been connected to the eIDAS-Network). To realise this, Identity Providers offering services linked to a national eID scheme that will be notified must connect their systems to the eIDAS-Node in their country.

Learn more about the obligations and benefits for Identity Providers.

The specific integration process and activities conducted will differ depending on the situation in your country (e.g. eIDAS-Node infrastructure), as well as the specific needs of your organisation. For this reason Single Points of Contact of contact have been designated per country to assist with integration. With knowledge of the specific technical, legal and operational processes required to do this in their countries, they are an essential resource.  You must contact the Single Point of Contact in your country before beginning the process, as they will support you according to your organisation's specific context. 

Ready to get started? Find your Single Point of Contact now