This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Mission for growth to Russia

Copyright European Union

On 17-19 June Vice President Antonio Tajani has travelled to Russia accompanied by a strong business delegation composed of 120 representatives of companies and industry associations from 23 Member States. Collectively they represented approximately 2.5 million employees and 718 billion in turnover, more than the GDP of both Poland and Romania. This visit was part of the "Missions for Growth" to help European enterprises, in particular small and medium sized enterprises, to better profit from fast growing emerging international markets. The visit has reinforced partnerships to help industry and SMEs to fully exploit the commercial relations potential between Russia and the EU. This specific Mission is characterised by a significant growth in the geographical spread of the business delegation and by the fact that 65 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are on the delegation, a group twice as large as the group of big companies. European and national business associations make up around 20% of the delegation.


Last update: 18/07/2014 |  Top