This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Too good to be true: the real price of fake products

Antonio Tajani thanks Customs and Police Authorities of Member States, for the support they have given to maximise the dissemination of the information campaign of the European Commission against fake and counterfeited goods.

National law enforcement authorities play a key role in preventing the entry of counterfeit goods to the European Union, with the support and cooperation of EU bodies such as EUROPOL and OLAF.

The European Commission (which incorporates the European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy) and EU Member States, together with producers and trade and consumers associations are working hard to better enforce the rules which protect citizens and business against goods and products which do not meet safety standards.

From 23 to 24 April, a representative of DG Enterprise and Industry is in Rome to present the campaign to the press and communication officers of customs and police authorities of the 27 Members States, during the 12th OLAF Anti-Fraud Communicators Network (OAFCN) seminar in Rome, co-organised by OLAF and Guardia di Finanza.

This anti-counterfeiting campaign is promoted by the European Commission, and notably by Vice-President Tajani and Commissioner Barnier, in collaboration with and with the support of national authorities.

In his greetings message to the OAFCN members, Vice President Antonio Tajani stated: "I would like to thank you for the major efforts your organisations – in particular Customs, Police Forces and Judicial Authorities in all Member States of the European Union – make every day to fight this pernicious form of fraud: counterfeiting of industrial products. I would also like to thank you in advance for the to support that you will give – in the spirit of mutual assistance that is so characteristic for your network – to maximise the dissemination of our information campaign through your websites and communication tools, including social media, an information campaign aimed at protecting not only our economies, our businesses and industries, but also – and above all – the health and safety of all our citizens. From my side, I assure you that you can always depend upon my help and wholehearted support for your efforts to fight against counterfeiting of industrial products."

For more information on the European Commission’s anti-counterfeiting campaign:

Press MEMO published on 19th April:

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Last update: 18/07/2014 |  Top