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European Parliament: Raw Materials Debate

Raw materials © Lee Prince,

The European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, welcomes the European Parliament vote on the strategy for commodities. "The report strikes the right balance between the different policy options, putting forward very interesting concrete recommendations," said Vice President Tajani. "I am particularly pleased that the European Parliament agrees on the importance of three key pillars for the success of this strategy (ensuring a level playing field in access to resource in third countries, fostering sustainable supply of raw materials from EU sources and boosting resource efficiency and promote recycling), the role of innovation, the importance of creating a true diplomacy and the sustainability of raw materials, central to reconciling mining and environmental protection. This is, however, only the first step. I hope that the fruitful cooperation will continue and that Parliament will maintain its strong interest in this strategic approach, with a view to future action and its implementation."

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Last update: 18/07/2014 |  Top