Zaposlovanje, socialne zadeve in vključevanje

Helping unemployed creating their own work in the new economy

Helping unemployed creating their own work in the new economy

PES support for start-ups – what is effective?

A September 2017 study presents the lessons learnt from the vast PES experience in offering start-up support to jobseekers who want to become self-employed or start their own business. It provides a basis for PES needing to navigate the increasingly globalised and digitalised world of self-employment, and effectively guide jobseekers wishing to embark on such an experience.

If well-designed and targeted, start-up incentives and support have proven effective in bringing unemployed back to the labour market. In the longer term, there is even a job-creation effect.

Well-designed start-up support requires specialist trainers and advisers. It is also recommended to offer a mix of support measures, including appropriate benefits, access to capital, training, counselling and guidance.

Catalog N. : KE-01-17-931-EN-N

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