DS ESS > Programmes and activities > Education and training > EMOS EN REVAMP

The European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) is a quality label awarded by the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC) to nationally accredited master’s programmes in official statistics and related disciplines. 


EMOS connects statistical institutes and central banks with universities across Europe.  The aims are to: 

  • advance postgraduate education in official statistics and data science at universities across Europe
  • educate students to become highly skilled statisticians with expertise in official statistics
  • facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience between the European producers of official statistics and lecturers, researchers, and students in this field.

EMOS network

Universities, which offer EMOS-labelled master’s programmes, partner with national statistical institutes, national central banks, and other organisations producing statistics.

They engage to:

  • jointly deliver courses
  • offer internships
  • mentor master’s theses and research projects
  • promote official statistics among students. 

The EMOS network comprises over 30 programmes in around 15 countries.

Members of the EMOS network meet in annual in-person workshops and regular online meetings to share their experiences and discuss opportunities for the future development of EMOS.

Learning outcomes

EMOS is implemented as a set of courses building on the curricula of existing nationally accredited master’s programmes. EMOS courses cover the EMOS learning outcomes, which familiarise graduates with:

  • the organization and role of official statistics
  • the specific production models and methods to produce statistics
  • the various themes such as economy, society, industry or environment, specific statistical methods including data science
  • knowledge of and ability to apply advanced statistical methods
  • publication and communication of statistics to various user communities.

Become a member

All universities based in an EU country, candidate country or EFTA country are welcome to apply for the EMOS label via the permanently open call for applications (the cut-off date of 31 December each year) and become a member of the EMOS network.


ESSC awards the EMOS label and appoints members to the EMOS Board.

The EMOS Board assists the ESSC in the label award procedure and monitors the quality of EMOS-labelled master’s programmes. It is chaired by Eurostat. The EMOS Board consists of 14 members representing universities, statistics producers, and users of official statistics.


EMOS offers many activities and opportunities to the members of its network, such as: