DS ESS > Governance bodies> ESAC EN REVAMP


The European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC) was established in March 2008 by decision 234/2008/EC of the European Parliament and the Council.


The ESAC has 24 members:

  • 12 members are appointed by the Commission and they represent users, respondents, and other stakeholders of European statistics, including the scientific community, social partners, and the civil society
  • 11 members  are appointed by the institutions and bodies to which they belong, such as the Council, the European Parliament, and the European Central Bank
  • The Director-General of Eurostat is an ex officio member of the Committee, without a voting right.


ESAC plays an important role in ensuring that user requirements as well as the costs borne by information providers and producers are taken into account for the coordination of the strategic objectives and priorities of the EU statistical information policy.

It delivers opinions addressing inter alia the balance of priorities and resources between different areas of the multiannual statistical programme as well as on the European Commission’s annual statistical work programme.

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