DS ESS > Governance bodies EN REVAMP

ESS governance

The graphic below depicts the governance of the European Statistical System (ESS), which is distributed across different levels: 

Graphic ESS governance structure

At the centre of the strategic level is the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC).
It provides overall guidance and is consulted by Eurostat on statistical legislation to be adopted by the European Parliament and the Council. The Partnership Group (PG) and the annual DGINS conference are also part of this level.

The European Statistical Governance Advisory Board (ESGAB) and European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC) are bodies providing strategic advice.

At the management level, directors' groups prepare initiatives to be discussed by the ESSC. At the technical level, working groups and task forces deal with specific statistical topics or domains. The ESS coordinates its work with the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) through the European Statistical Forum (ESF).