
Tunisia: Further concrete EU support for transition

Tunisia: Further concrete EU support for transition

Tunis (9th July) - "Tunisia is the best and most tangible example of how the 'more for more' principle works in support of democratic transformation in our neighbourhood," Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood policy Štefan Füle said during his talks in Tunis, where he reiterated the EU's commitment to help Tunisia to build its democracy. "We want to see your transformation succeed," he said in the meeting with the Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali. "We stand ready to facilitate the economic and social development in your country, to accompany the process of strengthening the democracy and to support your reforms," Mr Füle added...


He recalled the "more for more" principle of the renewed European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) under which the EU increases its help and assistance to those neighbours who are engaged in democratic and economic reforms. "In Tunisia, we have already provided 400 million EUR within two years instead of the 240 million EUR planned for three years," Commissioner Füle said and commended his Tunisian counterparts for the achievements made in the transition since the revolution 18 months ago. At the same time, he stressed the need to continue to take steps to consolidate the process of transformation and to carry on with reforms so that the citizens see the progress and the changes they were calling for during the revolution. "To achieve the goals of the revolution requires time, dedication, strong will and also patience. The experience from some of the newer EU Member States shows that thorough transformation from an autocratic system to a deep and sustainable democracy can take years," he noted.

During his visit to Tunis Commissioner Füle signed two financing agreements with the government worth 27 million EUR to support programmes for civil society and for services sector competitiveness. Later on, at the meeting with the representatives of over a dozen of non-governmental organisations he signed three grant contracts worth over 2 million EUR for different projects, underlining the EU's engagement with civil society.

Commissioner Füle also discussed the EU's support for Tunisia and the transformation process in the country with President of the Constituent Assembly, Mustafa Ben Jaafar, State Secretary for Europe Touhami Abdouli, a group of members of the parliament and representatives of the business community.

More information: Commissioner' s remarks at the press conference in Tunis pdf - 48 KB [48 KB] and Article by the Commissioner on Tunisia's transformation and EU's support pdf - 78 KB [78 KB] .

Poslední aktualizace: 10/07/2012 |  Začátek stránky