Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

09/05/2022 Copenhagen

Cross-Border Work and Social Security Protection in the Øresund Region - Challenges and solutions for high mobility, telework and platform work

The EC-funded MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) organised a seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark on 09 May 2022.

The seminar was organised by MoveS in collaboration with its Danish and Swedish national experts, Catherine Jacqueson, Katarina Hyltén-Cavallius, Emma Holm and Martina Axmin. MoveS is an EC-funded network of independent experts from 32 European countries coordinated by Eftheia and Deloitte.

The seminar aimed at discussing the main challenges for non-standard work across the Oresund region. It first set the legal scene and pointed to the challenges in determining the applicable legislation for cross-border work and applying various concepts of the Social Security Regulation. It then looked into specific challenges and how to remedy them. The seminar focused on teleworkers, highly mobile people and work mediated through online platforms.



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