Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

30/04/2021 Lausanne

The new rules of the Swiss General Social Security Act and Swiss immigration law and the latest EU developments in the field of social security coordination and free movement of workers

The EC-funded MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) and its Swiss national expert organised an online seminar on 30 April 2021.

The seminar was organised by MoveS in collaboration with its Swiss national expert, Bettina Hummer. MoveS is an EC-funded network of independent experts from 32 European countries coordinated by Eftheia and Deloitte.

Since 1 January 2021, the Swiss General Social Security Act will, for the first time, include rules that refer to Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 and the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI). This was a good occasion to introduce the new Swiss rules  and provide an update on European Coordination Law, as well as on recent developments in EU Law (including the European Labour Authority (‘ELA’), and the case law concerning Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 (in particular, unemployment and other benefits). The seminar also gave an overview of recent developments in the field of free movement of persons, especially with respect to Swiss immigration law, the draft Institutional Agreement between the EU and Switzerland and the Swiss ‘Mind the gap strategy’ concerning Brexit. Home office problems were discussed as well.




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