Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

01/12/2020 Rome

The European Labour Authority one year after. An interdisciplinary Dialogue among Labour, Administrative and EU Law Scholars

The EC-funded MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) organised a blended seminar in Rome (Italy) on 1 December 2020.

The blended seminar provided an in-depth structural and functional analysis of the European Labour Authority (ELA) in the light of the steps taken in its first year of activity.

EU, Administrative, Labour and Social Security Lawyers discussed the prerogatives of ELA and the relationships with other bodies involved to different extents into free movement, both under the establishment and the posting of workers perspective and with an eye to the free provision of services. Conclusions were drawn in the view of the structural change that supranational institutions like ELA trigger in public powers approach to the social dimension of the European integration.



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