Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

15/10/2018 Brussels

MoveS seminar (Belgium): Anniversary seminar on 60 years of social security coordination and 50 years of free movement of workers

The EC-funded MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) will organise a seminar in Brussels (Belgium) on 15 October 2018.

© Anya Berkut

The seminar is being organised by MoveS in collaboration with its Belgian national expert, Filip Van Overmeiren. MoveS is an EC-funded network of independent experts from 32 European countries coordinated by Eftheia and Deloitte.

The seminar aims to critically evaluate the Regulations on social security coordination and free movement of workers after respectively 60 and 50 years of their application. It will also focus on the current developments and the future of both fields of EU legislation by identifying their challenges and opportunities. The seminar will contain keynote presentations by academics and other experts in the field as well as a panel discussion with different stakeholders. It will also offer plenty of opportunity for networking among participants.

In case you wish to participate in this seminar, please address the MoveS management (moves@eftheia.eu). Participation is free of charge. Please note that all costs connected to the attendance of the seminar (travel, accommodation) are at the participants' expense. Admission is subject to availability of seating.


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