Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

03/07/2018 Warsaw

MoveS seminar (Poland): Posting of workers and the principle of equal treatment in Regulation 1612/68

The MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) will organise a seminar in Warsaw (Poland) on 3 July 2018.

The seminar was organised by MoveS in collaboration with its Polish national expert, Gertruda Uścińska. MoveS is an EC-funded network of independent experts from 32 European countries coordinated by Eftheia and Deloitte.

The aim of the seminar was twofold. First, the seminar focused on posting of workers in the context of freedom of movement and coordination provisions (different problems: national case-law, administrative co-operation, procedures, etc.). Second, the seminar was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Regulation 1612/68 (now Reg. 492/2011) and, in particular, to raise awareness among social partners, lawyers, judges, NGO’s and other parties (scholars, experts) on the equal treatment principle and on the growing importance of the notions of ‘obstacle’, ‘social advantage’ and ‘indirect discrimination’.



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