Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 29/10/2012

Age friendly goods and services - an opportunity for social and economic development (Poland)

The scale of demographic change facing countries across the EU is unprecedented. The number of people aged 60+ is increasing at a rate of approximately 2 million per year and the result is a rapid increase in the dependency ratio; while in 2010 there were four people of working age for every person aged 65+, this number is projected to halve by 2060.

Host Country : Poland

Place and date : Warsaw, 29. - 30.10.2012

Peer countries : Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Czech Republic - Denmark - Estonia - Italy - Luxembourg - Slovenia - Sweden

Stakeholders : ESN, AGE

Alongside the many risks associated with this trend, such as the threat to the sustainability of public finances, there are many opportunities. Responding to both the threats and opportunities has been made a priority of the 2011-2012 Trio Presidency of the Council of the European Union held successively by Poland, Denmark and Cyprus. 2012 is also the designated "European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations". 

Poland has one of the lowest employment rates of people aged 55-64 (34% in 2010) and the Peer Review provides the occasion to share information on measures to tackle the employment deficit among older people, such as incentives for employers to hire older workers, a gradual increasing of the retirement age and other innovative measures to increase the employment of the people concerned. Policies are underpinned by two clear lines of thinking. First, there is the belief that older people represent a valuable asset to society and that they can contribute to the wellbeing of society and intergenerational social cohesion. Secondly, there is a recognition that the "silver economy" represents a new and expanding market and opens up new opportunities for the provision of goods and services and, therefore, for jobs.

Peer Review manager

Ms Renate Haupfleisch (ÖSB Consulting GmbH)

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