Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 28/10/2021

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: €5.4 million to support 801 dismissed workers in air transport and warehousing in Sardinia, Italy

Today, the European Commission proposes to support over 800 dismissed workers in Sardinia, Italy. These 801 people include 611 former Air Italy workers and 190 former workers of Porto Canale in Cagliari, who lost their jobs as a consequence of restructuring and globalisation.

mooring gang in port to departure ship

© Shutterstock

The proposed €5.4 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) will help these workers to find new jobs through further education or training, or to start their own business.

The redundancies in Porto Canale are related to the end of operations at the port of Cagliari, following the relocation of cargo shipping operations to locations that offer land connections with the rest of Italy and Europe. The dismissals in the airline Air Italy are the result of various issues that were unforeseen and meant that Air Italy could not create business as planned. This led Air Italy to stop operations in February 2020.

The €5.4 million in support from the EGF will help the Sardinian authorities to finance measures including career guidance and individualised job-search support. Training will also help to improve digital skills of dismissed workers and therefore contribute to the digital transition in the logistics and goods movements sectors. Participants can receive allowances for participating in these support measures.

The total estimated cost of the support measures is €6.3 million, of which the EGF will cover 85% (€5.4 million). The Region of Sardinia will cover the remaining 15%.

The Commission's proposals require approval by the European Parliament an the Council.

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