Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

09/11/2020 - 10/11/2020

Apprenticeships and the twin green and digital transition: challenges and opportunities ahead

To help spread awareness of the benefits of vocational education, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is getting involved in the fifth European Vocational Skills Week 2020. As part of the week-long activities, EAfA will be hosting a series of online sessions on 9-10 November.

© Halfpoint, Matej Kastelic / Shutterstock

The EAfA event will consist of three sessions; two Live Discussions followed by a high level event with Commissioner Nicolas Schmit. Each of the EAfA sessions will discuss how green and digital skills in vocational education and training (VET) through apprenticeships can bring employment opportunities. They will explore how companies, training providers, social partners and national authorities are supporting green and digital skills in apprenticeships, in order to overcome challenges. They will also explore opportunities and good practices across the EU to inspire action.

The choice of discussion topics comes in response to the European Commission’s commitments laid out in the European Green Deal, and digitalisation which has been further accelerated by COVID-19.

The two EAfA Live Discussions, starting on 9 November at 14pm CET, will explore the topics of

  • ‘Skills for the Green Economy’
  • ‘Digital Skills in Apprenticeships’

The discussions will be hosted by representatives from organisations across the EU who will share their own success stories and debate the most effective approaches relating to the green and digital transition.

On 10 November at 14:00 CET, the High-Level Event titled ‘Apprenticeships and the twin green and digital transitions’ will be opened by European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit.

The event will feature two panel discussions, which will explore ‘Apprenticeships and the green economy: integrating green skills into apprenticeship schemes.’ and ‘Apprenticeships and digital skills: challenges and opportunities’.

Short presentations will also take place from the European Apprentices Network and the International Labour Organisation talking about the apprentices’ view on digital transition and the international perspective on green and digital apprenticeships, respectively.

A representative from DG EMPL will share the new Action Plan for EAfA and a Newcomer Session will welcome new members to the Alliance. The day will end with closing remarks from Manuela Geleng, Director of Skills, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

EAfA has identified the adoption of digital and green skills as an essential part of making vocational education and training more modern, attractive and flexible to young people entering the workplace in the digital age and during the green transition. The Alliance is spreading awareness of the importance of these skills through events such as this, and enforcing their implementation by encouraging new members joining the Alliance to demonstrate, through their pledge, a concrete commitment and actions that will help apprentices develop the necessary digital and green skills to succeed in their future career.

How to participate

Register for the event here. The registration page includes the two-day programme and offers the chance to submit questions about green and digital skills in apprenticeships in advance of the event.

Please specify which of the three sessions you will be joining during registration.

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