Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 03/11/2011

Demographic change: challenges and opportunities for employment

The Employment Committee (EMCO) and the Heads of Public Employment Services (HoPES) organised a conference to discuss the 'Challenges and opportunities for employment vis-à-vis demographic changes' in Warsaw on 10-11 October.

Baby's dummy on keyboard

The first plenary session focused on 'demographic tendencies and forecast in Europe' and led to a discussion on the impact of the changing age structure of workers on the current and future employment policies.

The main conclusions of the workshops submitted by each of the Trio States (Poland, Denmark and Cyprus) were presented in the second plenary session.

In the third plenary session invited guests expressed their views on 'effective policies against ageing labour forces – to avoid barriers, grasp chances'.

A summary of the conference is available online.

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