Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Cross-industry and sectoral social dialogue - Personal services/Hairdressing

Sectors of activity :

Social partners

Workers' organisations Employers' organisations
UNI Europa (Hair & beauty) European Confederation of Hairdressing employers' organisations (Coiffure EU)

Social dialogue in the personal services sector covers activities defined by NACE (class 96.02):

  • hairdressing
  • other beauty treatments

It provides 1.3% of all EU jobs.

Between 2002 and 2012, employment in the sector grew by 1.3% a year on average. There are about 200 to 400 hairdressers and beauticians for every 100,000 people in the EU.

More and more hairdressers are becoming self-employed or setting up as small independents. This is putting pressure on traditional small salons that employ in-house staff.

However, the market share of hairdressing chains and franchises is increasing.

Key areas

The personal services committee is currently focusing on:

1.  occupational health & safety

2.  promoting the European Hairdressing Certificate

3.  changes in the structure of the hairdressing sector

Activities & meetings

Check the library entries with agendas, minutes and presentations

Achievements/Joint texts

Check the social dialogue texts database

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