Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Cross-industry and sectoral social dialogue - Industrial cleaning

Sectors of activity :

Social partners


Workers' organisations Employers' organisations
UNI Europa European Cleaning and Facility Services Industry (EFCI)


Social dialogue in this sector covers activities defined by NACE (Rev. 2) class 81.2:

  • services provided by specialised contractors
  • building maintenance & associated cleaning
  • cleaning trains, buses & planes
  • waste management services
  • disinfecting & pest extermination activities.

EU-wide, the industrial cleaning sector employs about 3 m workers (Eurostat, 2014 Labour Force Survey data) in over 220 000 firms (Eurostat, Structural Business Statistics, 2013). The turnover is €85.9bn (Eurostat, Structural Business Statistics, 2012).

The major challenges facing the sector are

  • the continuing effects of the economic crisis in a number of EU countries & its indirect impact on working conditions
  • the implementation of the new EU public procurement directive, 2014/24/EU,
  • the formal involvement of social partners in the activities of the European Platform to enhance cooperation in the prevention & deterrence of undeclared work,
  • promoting daytime cleaning to raise the sector's profile
  • low union & employer representation in eastern Europe.

Key areas

The Committee is currently focusing on:

  • health & safety (online interactive risk assessment)
  • regulatory issues (quality & socially responsible public procurement; enforcement of the  posting of workers directive)
  • impact of the crisis on the cleaning sector
  • working conditions (undeclared work; promoting daytime cleaning; employment)
  • standard setting & training

Activities & meetings

Check the library entries for this sectoral social dialogue committee.

Achievements/Joint texts

Check the social dialogue texts database


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