Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Cross-industry and sectoral social dialogue - Gas

Sectors of activity :

Social partners

Employees' organisations Employers' organisations

industriAll European Trade Union
European federation of Public Service Unions

The European Union of the Natural Gas Industry

Social dialogue in this sector covers:

  • production and distribution of gas.

In the EU, the gas sector employs around 250,000 people.

Focus areas

The Committee is currently focusing on:

  • skills and qualifications
  • demographic change
  • restructuring
  • social aspects of corporate social responsibility
  • the strong impact on the sector of the EU's move towards a low-carbon economy (social dimension of the Energy Roadmaps 2050 and the Energy Community)
  • health and safety.

Activities and meetings

Check the library entries for this sectoral social dialogue committee.

Achievements/Joint texts

Check the social dialogue texts database

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