Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Cross-industry and sectoral social dialogue - Audiovisual

Sectors of activity :
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Social partners

Workers' representatives Employers' representatives
EURO-MEI - UNI-Europa Media - Entertainment & Arts Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT)
International Federation of Musicians (FIM) Association of European Radios (AER)
International Federation of Actors (FIA) European Coordination of Independent Producers (CEPI)
European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
  International Federation of Film Producers' Associations (FIAPF)

The EU’s audiovisual sector – public and commercial broadcasting, and independent television and film production – employs around 700,000 people in over 130,000 companies.

These workers and employers are represented at EU level by the organisations listed above, who sit on the EU audiovisual sector social dialogue committee.

Main issues for the sector

Public broadcasters  

  • Financial sustainability
  • Maintaining independence

Commercial broadcasters

  • Collapse in advertising revenue
  • Fewer new works commissioned – causing financial instability


  • Providing content across numerous digital platforms
  • Increased piracy of creative output


  • Irregular work – lack of stable jobs
  • Atypical contracts and work patterns
  • Safeguarding and improving workers' professional status
  • Trend towards greater flexibility and mobility – threatens livelihood of some workers, despite the general high level of skills in the sector.

 Current work by the committee

The audiovisual committee is currently focusing on:

  1. Training/skills – identifying:

-  needs of media and entertainment workers
-  skills gaps and mismatches

as part of joint project with the committee on live performance

  1. Equal opportunities
    -implementing the 2011 Framework of Actions on gender equality 
    -identifying good practice in promoting diversity and fighting discrimination
  2. New types of employment

- joint project on trends in the audiovisual labour market and new working arrangements

- how employers’ and workers’ organisations can cover these employment types

  1. Promoting labour relations in the EU audiovisual sector
  2. Piracy – to protect creativity, innovation and jobs
  3. Health & safety –  sharing information, assessing possible joint action.


Details of audiovisual committee meetings (agendasminutes, presentations).

Achievements/Joint texts

Check the social dialogue texts database

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