Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 02/07/2020

Social partners meet with the European Council and the Commission on 23 June

Social partners, the European Council and the Commission met in a Tripartite Social Summit to discuss the role of social partners in improving growth and employment after the COVID-19 outbreak.

The topic of the Tripartite Social Summit was "Contribution of the Social Partners to relaunching Growth and Employment in the Aftermath of COVID-19".

The discussions were structured around the following:

  • Economic and social emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak
  • Exit strategy for deconfinement
  • Recovery Plan proposed by the European Commission, including NextGenerationEU
  • Social Partners Autonomous Agreement on Digitalisation

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said: “To this unprecedented crisis the Commission has brought an unprecedented response: with NextGenerationEU, the SURE scheme and a revamped long term EU budget we want to make sure that we support everyone – our workers, our businesses, our economy – and ultimately make our Union stronger. Together we can rebuild a stronger, more social Europe, fit for the green and digital transitions. A well-functioning social dialogue will help us find solutions out of this crisis, while preparing the future.”

Social partners sign framework agreement on digitalisation

The social partners signed an autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation. Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, welcomed the agreement as an example of the willingness of social partners to shape together the transition of work.


The Tripartite Social Summit takes place twice a year, ahead of the spring and autumn European Councils. It is an opportunity for a constructive exchange of views between leaders of European employee and employer organisations, the European Commission, the European Council, the EU Heads of State or Government and Employment and Social Affairs Ministers from the countries holding the current and upcoming Council of the EU Presidencies.

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