Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EAfA toolkits

What are EAfA toolkits?

The EAfA toolkits represent a new online resource providing advice and steps designed to support individuals and stakeholders to implement, improve, and assess a measure, activity, action, or programme.

More specifically, EAfA toolkits aim to:

  • increase knowledge of key aspects of quality apprenticeships among EAfA members and the broader community of stakeholders involved in VET and work-based learning;
  • contribute to the improved implementation of quality apprenticeships and promote increased coherence in approaches across the EU;
  • provide concrete and tailored guidance on specific issues related to quality apprenticeships, directly responding to the particular needs of different stakeholders;
  • encourage mutual and peer learning, including through the promotion of good practices on selected issues.

First EAfA Toolkit on the Mobility of Apprentices

The first EAfA Toolkit focuses on the topic of mobility and aims to help apprentices, VET providers, and companies to gain a better understanding of mobility, and provide step-by-step advice on how to maximise benefits and avoid pitfalls across the three main stages of mobility: initiation, implementation, and integration.

Whether you are an apprentice looking for advice on how to get the most out of your stay abroad, or an employer or a VET provider involved in designing and delivering mobility periods, the EAfA Toolkit on the Mobility of Apprentices will provide you with:

  • An introduction to the topic, by providing background information and outlining the key stakeholders involved and their role
  • Guidance, resources, good practice examples, and self-assessment tools

Two versions of the EAfA Toolkit on the Mobility of Apprentices are available:

Are you an EAfA member and interested in the topic of mobility? Join the EAfA Community on the Learning Mobility of Apprentices by sending us an email at EAfAmembers@ecorys.com. We will inform the Community Leads of your interest.

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