Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Together for inclusive culture, leisure and sports (Easy-to-read version)

People with disabilities should have access to:

  • Culture
    For example,
    they should be able to visit a museum
    without problems.
  • Leisure
    For example,
    they should be able to enjoy their hobbies
    and take part in activities they like. 
  • Sports
    For example,
    they should be able to take part
    in any sports they like, like basketball,
    tennis or swimming.

Sadly, people with disabilities
are often left out of these activities
because they are not accessible for them.
For example, information in museums
may not be easy to read
so people with intellectual disabilities
may not be able to understand it.

Or sports may take place in buildings
that are not adjusted to people with disabilities
so they cannot get in..

The European Commission wants to change this
and make sure all people with disabilities
can enjoy culture, leisure and sports
everywhere in Europe.

To do this,
the European Comission made a plan of work
for the coming years.
The plan is called ‘Strategy for the rights
of persons with disabilities 2021-2030’.
In short, we call it
‘the European Disability Strategy’.

Among others, the plan says that
the European Commission will work to:

  • Promote the work of artists with disabilities.
  • Make culture, leisure and sports accessible
    so that people with disabilities
    can take part without problems.
  • Make it possible for people with disabilities
    to travel around Europe.
  • Make sure that people with disabilities
    are presented in a fair and respectful way
    in TV programmes and films.

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