Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Catarina Oliveira – Portugal


Catarina Oliveira – Portugal.

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Catarina Oliveira, 33 years old, was born in Porto. She is a nutritionist with a degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences from the University of Porto, and also works as an activist for the rights of people living with disabilities. Catarina is passionate about communication. Following a spinal cord inflammation in 2016 which resulted in her becoming a person living with a motor disability, she created a project on Instagram (@especierarasobrerodas) where one of her main goals is to change mentalities and break prejudices and taboos related to people with disabilities. The fact that she lived for 27 years without the need for a wheelchair, then moved into a world where she did, awakened her to the ableist world we all live in. Realising this, Catarina started to work as a speaker in schools, universities and companies with the aim of clarifying myths and exposing problems related to accessibility, inclusion and representation of people with disabilities.

Instagram: especierarasobrerodas
Facebook: especierarasobrerodas
YouTube: C Feliz

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