Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Get involved (Easy-to-read version)

People with disabilities have the right
to make their own choices about their lives.
That is why we made this campaign
together with people with disabilities
and their organisations.

You can take part in our campaign too
and spread the word about the rights
of people with disabilities.

To do that:

  • Sign up to receive news about our campaign
    and information about how you can show
    your support.
  • Check out the toolkit of the campaign.
    There you can find material you can use
    to support our campaign.
    For example,
    images and texts you can use
    to share the campaign on social media.
    The material will be available
    in all 24 languages of the European Union
    so you can find it in your own language.

We will also organise an online meeting
for organisations of people with disabilities
and other people who want to learn more
about our campaign.
If you are interested in taking part in this meeting,
please send and email to contact@togetherforrights.eu

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