Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

The Champions: Croatia (Easy-to-read version)

Katarina Strunjak is our champion from Croatia.
Katarina has ‘Bethlem myopathy condition’.
This is a rare disease that affects the muscles
of the body.
Due to this disease,
she uses a wheelchair to move about.

Katarina studies law at the University of Zagreb in Croatia.

In Zagreb,
Katarina takes part in projects
that aim to make metros, buses
and other kinds of transport
more accessible for people with disabilities.

She is also part of different organisations
that fight for the rights of people with disabilities.

For example:

  • The organisation for people with disabilities in Croatia,
  • A European organisation for people with diseases like hers.

Katarina loves playing ‘boccia’,
a sport that is played indoors with soft leather balls.
She has been a champion in her country
but also in the European Paralympic Games
for young people in 2019.

In her free time, Katarina likes to cook, shop
and hang out with her friends.

By sharing her story,
she wants to tell other people to not let fear of failing
stop them from going after what they want in life.

You can follow Katarina on Facebook by clicking here.

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