Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 22/04/2021

Draft EQAVET peer review concept available

The draft paper presents the methodological proposal for the EQAVET Network’s approach to system level Peer Reviews.

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© Cozine / Shutterstock

A draft concept on the EQAVET Network’s approach to system level Peer Reviews is now available. The concept builds on the 2020 VET Recommendation that calls for the introduction of EU level peer reviews of quality assurance in VET at system level.  

Peer Reviews provide an opportunity for the country hosting the peer review to reflect on its practice of quality assuring the national VET system. Peers from other countries act as critical friends, providing external feedback and sharing lessons from their own experiences. 

It is expected that the peer review will be open for NRPs. They will be voluntary to take part in and it is up to each EU country to show interest in hosting and participating in the activities. 

The EQAVET Network will finalise this draft concept in the coming months. A draft Peer Review Manual will also be produced, shared and discussed with the EQAVET Network during the 2021 Annual EQAVET Network meeting in June 2021. 

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