Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 21/12/2022

Finland hosted the ninth and last Peer Review in 2022 on the quality assurance process of developing national qualification requirements in Finland

The Peer Review took place online on 7-8 December, focusing on reviewing the Finnish practice of collecting stakeholder feedback for the update and development of national qualification requirements.

EQAVET Finnish Peer Review

The last EQAVET Peer Review of the year was hosted by the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI).

Nine EQAVET Network members from Austria, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania and The Netherlands acted as peers.

The Finnish process of developing and updating national qualification requirements is quality assured through 'customer' (stakeholder) feedback. A quality assurance model for the process, including new practices related to the collection, analysis and utilisation of feedback data, is currently under preparation with the aim to be implemented in spring 2023.

The Finnish hosts detailed their approach to updating and developing new qualification requirements.

The peers had the opportunity to discuss with all parties involved in the process, including, EDUFI sector experts, VET providers, representatives of Business and Industry, students, and student representatives.

Discussions explored the practicalities of developing and updating qualifications and collecting 'customer' feedback, the role of VET providers and Business and Industry committees in this process, as well as concrete examples of working with EDUFI and VET providers and the available opportunities for students to give feedback.

Check out the flash report summarising the main outcomes of the discussion.

Another report with detailed feedback from the peer reviewers will be shared with the host country.

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