Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 24/10/2022

Luxembourg hosted the fourth EQAVET Peer Review, focusing on the use of administrative data

The Peer Review explored the use of administrative data to monitor the quality of initial VET in Luxembourg. It took place from 12 to 14 October 2022 in Luxembourg City.

People talking in the European Commission

The fourth EQAVET Peer Review was hosted by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Service de la formation professionnelle in the Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse).

EQAVET Network members from Belgium (French speaking region and the Dutch speaking region), Croatia, Finland and the Netherlands joined the meeting to act as peer reviewers.

The Peer Review focused on developing and designing an IT-based system, which could bring together existing administrative data on initial VET learners. The host and peers discussed about the capacity of the data-based quality monitoring in VET (DQMVET) mechanism to include new data and a ‘dashboard’ to show data on a small number of indicators. This would enable the quality of initial VET to be monitored and evaluated and help to predict where interventions would support learners to complete their diploma.

The Peer Review discussions split into two different areas. One set of discussions looked at policy/governance questions related to the use of data in the DQMVET, and the other discussions considered the methodological questions related to the technical design of the mechanism.

The hosts and peers discussed the significant amount of development work that is needed to design and implement such a mechanism and exchanged practices and examples to support the hosts in the process. 

A report with detailed feedback from the peer reviewers will be shared with the host country.

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