Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 29/05/2020

Meeting of the centre of vocational excellence in field of water technology - PoVE Water

A webinar of the European Platform of Vocational Excellence Water took place on 26-28 May. In this meeting, five European regions worked together to shape the future skilled vocational practitioner in the field of water technology. CIV Water, based in Leeuwarden, is an example of the best in vocational excellence in Europe.

© r.classen / Shutterstock

In many countries, especially in Europe, we take our clean drinking water for granted. You turn the tap and fresh, clean water appears as if by magic. But that drinking water doesn't just come from nowhere.

Even within Europe, there are big differences when it comes to water. For example, several European countries are struggling with a shortage of young people interested in water-related education.

In Europe, we can learn a lot from each other. That's why European schools and professionals from the water industry have joined forces to train better educated water professionals at vocational education and training (VET) level.

PoVE Water

PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector, translating them into an approach of vocational excellence.

The project kicked off in January 2020 in Brussels and unites:

  • VET institutions
  • the water industry
  • research centres, H.E.
  • (semi-) governmental institutions and
  • water sector representatives from the Netherlands, Scotland, Latvia, Malta and the Czech Republic

They share a common interest in developing the full potential of VET institutions to play a proactive role in support of growth, competitiveness and innovation of the water sector.

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