Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 14/06/2022

1st Anniversary meeting of national Child Guarantee Coordinators in Brussels

To celebrate the first anniversary of the European Child Guarantee recommendation, a meeting was held in Brussels on 14 June 2022. The meeting focused on the implementation of action plans and on the situation of children refugees from Ukraine.

Picture of a participants at the Child Guarantee Coordinators in Brussels

The event was opened by Mr Nicolas SCHMIT, EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, who took stock of the progress with European Child Guarantee in the first year since the adoption of the recommendation by the Council.

The Coordinators discussed the content of the first action plans for implementation of the European Child Guarantee, and reflected on the mode of cooperation in the next phase, i.e. after submission of the action plans. 

Like during earlier meetings, much attention was paid to situation of children refugees from Ukraine, and civil society representatives figured prominently. Analytical inputs were provided by Prof James HECKMAN (University of Chicago) and Dr Romina BOARINI (head of OECD-WISE).

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