Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 23/11/2017

8th FEAD Network meeting: ‘The many faces of FEAD’

The 8th FEAD Network meeting took place in Paris on 13-14 November. During the two day event, members discussed the ‘many faces of FEAD’ across EU countries and the possible implementations of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) programme post 2020.

Delegates had the chance to visit one of the four FEAD implementing partner organisations to observe FEAD activities in action.

Panel Presentations, workshops and project visits

During the first day of the network meeting, delegates were invited to a panel presentation from representatives of four FEAD implementing organisations. This included the:

The panel then shared their FEAD post 2020 views, which called for FEAD to remain autonomous, universal and ambitious in reaching its ultimate goal of solidarity and social cohesion.

Following these presentations, participants attended an ‘Open Space’ workshop. The aim of the workshop was to allow the participants to suggest discussion topics and lead discussions themselves. The ultimate goal was to develop key recommendations for the European Commission to consider in their ongoing discussions on the future of FEAD post 2020.

On the second day of the network meeting, delegates were invited to visit one of four FEAD implementing partner organisations in France. The aim was to experience first-hand the implementations of FEAD activities in France. The delegates visited the following projects;

  • ‘Food aid on wheels’ – FEAD in rural areas (Croix rouge),
  • ‘Job opportunities at a FEAD food aid depot’ (Les restaurants du Cœur),
  • ‘Gateway to social inclusion through food aid’ (Les restaurants du Cœur),
  • ‘Food aid distribution cycle’ (FFBA) and
  • ‘Diversity in social inclusion activities’ (Secours populaire français).

Eighth FEAD Network event

Marie-Anne Paraskevas, Senior Policy Officer at the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and Jean-Philippe Vinquant, Director General for Social Cohesion at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health opened the meeting with a welcoming address.

89 delegates from 23 EU countries shared their knowledge and experience of FEAD at this eighth event, which discussed the implementations to consider for the FEAD programme in the post 2020 period.

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