Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 14/11/2018

12th FEAD Network Meeting: Food distribution alongside accompanying measures

The twelfth FEAD Network meeting took place on 4-5 October in Qawra, Malta, welcoming 95 delegates from 24 Member states. The event focused on how FEAD accompanying measures can provide a beneficial multi-dimensional approach to alleviating food and material deprivation.

The two-day event brought together EU-wide stakeholders, including Managing Authorities, European Commission representatives and regional and national organisations within Malta.

With project visits, panel discussions and group workshops, delegates were able to understand the Maltese approach to accompanying measures, as well as gain an overview of the differing measures implemented across the EU.

FEAD implementation in Malta

To kick-start the first day of the meeting, delegates were welcomed by Therese Fiorini, Head of the ESF and FEAD at the Ministry for European Affairs and Equality in Malta. Presentations followed with George Sultana (Director of Policy Development and Programme Implementation at the Maltese Ministry for Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity) and Stephen Vella (Director of Corporate Services at the Foundation for Social Welfare Services). Both provided a solid insight into how Maltese authorities implement FEAD, and the collaborative nature at the Foundation for Social Welfare Services that ensures social inclusion objectives are met. These left delegates ready to explore Malta’s LEAP Centres, which focus on anti-poverty and social inclusion measures.

Each delegate had the opportunity to visit two out of the three LEAP Centres that offer accompanying measures in Malta. This allowed delegates to witness first-hand how accompanying measures are specifically targeted at FEAD beneficiaries around the region. There was an opportunity for delegates to visit LEAP centres in Valletta, Cottonera and Qawra. Through effective collaboration with local and regional partners, each centre offers a range of services alongside food distribution, which often serve as a first contact for offering other forms of assistance. To identify people’s needs the LEAP centres carry out a profiling exercise including home visits.

Within the Valletta LEAP centre there was a close collaboration with other agencies such as the Energy and Water Agency, social services, schools and the police. This enables the LEAP team to offer comprehensive assistance under one roof. The participants were given presentations about several key areas of assistance such as nutrition and health, household budgeting and parenting advice.

In Cottonera, delegates had the chance to visit the premises of the centre and witnessed the wide range of services offered by the LEAP team. The centre aims to help beneficiaries find employment; improve literacy of children and home management. Following the visit delegates heard from three representatives about their work with FEAD beneficiaries, including The Foundation of Social Welfare Services, the National Literacy Agency, and the government programme to reduce energy poverty, SMART UP.

At the Qawra LEAP centre, delegates were shown the food distribution centre, the offices where social mentoring and training take place, the office of the Department for Social Services (where the beneficiaries can sign up to benefits), and the JobPlus office. Delegates also learnt about the social loans offered to first time homebuyers or low-income households.

Panel discussions and roundtable workshops

The second day involved delegates learning more about the practical implementation of accompanying measures, and discovering successful examples that have taken place across Europe. First the delegates learnt more about the diverse activities of the Foundation for the Social Welfare Services that implements FEAD in Malta.  The panel discussion, which explored the different perspectives on practical implementation, included representatives of the Luxembourg Red Cross, the Lithuanian Ministry of Social Security and Labour and the Foundation.

Delegates then moved on to their final activity of the meeting, in the form of a roundtable session. Delegates were split into six tables where they heard about different case studies. This provided an opportunity to explore specific examples of accompanying measures in detail and learn from successful examples from projects such as:

Delegates were able to explore the sustainability, target groups and challenges that these unique projects experienced.

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