Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 20/12/2017

Second FEAD Network Thematic Dossier Published

The FEAD Network has published its second Thematic Dossier.

© Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock

This thematic dossier presents the main outcomes of FEAD Network discussions in 2017 on supporting a variety of target groups through FEAD-funded initiatives.

The discussions this year revealed that EU countries have adopted various identification and outreach strategies depending on their local contexts and operational programmes. The intricacies of these different strategies were at the heart of discussions between the members of the ‘FEAD Network’, in 2017.

Discussions touched upon the advantages and disadvantages of targeted and universal approaches to social support, as well as the manner in which distrust in public institutions can be overcome by building trusting relationships with end recipients. It was underlined that strong partnerships between organisations are imperative to ensure that sustainable, multifaceted support is given to end recipients, allowing them to receive support at each step of their transition out of poverty. 

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