Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 14/05/2020

Live Discussion: Remote Learning – How technology is empowering new forms of work-based learning

The first in a series of EAfA Live Discussions took place on 14 May, and discussed how technology is enabling new ways of work-based learning.

With the global rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector is adapting to a new climate. Work-based learning is utilising new and existing technology to ensure that apprentices can continue to acquire the full range of skills while at home. This adaptation is likely to expand the use of remote learning in VET provision, and shape it after the crisis is over.

Andrew McCoshan moderated the session, which was conducted virtually and included the following panellists:

  • Dana-Carmen Bachmann - Head of Unit for VET, Apprenticeships and Adult Learning
  • Charlie James - European Apprentices Network (EAN)
  • Barbara Ofstad - Head of Siemens Professional Education Germany
  • Juliet Desmet and Joke Van Gheluwe -  IMEC Smart Education @ Schools
  • Theresa Fleidl - Vice President of Professional Training Policy and HR Cooperations Munich Airport

The live discussion highlighted the many challenges that companies face in ensuring continuous quality training and support for their apprentices during the current crisis and the key role the EU is playing in providing them with support.

Many of them have had to reorganise their in-house training systems in order to allow their apprentices to continue their training from home. Speakers also stressed the emotional and financial challenges faced by many apprentices, with many not being able to complete their courses and also not receiving proper support during this period.

Despite the many challenges, the current pandemic has also been considered an opportunity to further expand experimentation with new learning methods, such as remote learning and gamification, which are potentially more fun and popular than traditional VET methods. Speakers discussed the benefits of quizzes, micro-learning and virtual simulations in professional training and provided the audience with practical advice on how to successfully implement remote learning systems in their organisations.

The Live Discussion proved very popular, with over 330 participants registered. The next live discussion will take place on 17 June at 11am CEST. Register to the event here

Watch a recording of the live discussion and download the presentation and report from the Related Documents section below.

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