Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 05/06/2020

PES Network Board agrees flexible response to the ongoing challenges of Covid

The PES Network Board’s online meeting of June 2020 not only reflected on the measures taken by PES to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, but agreed flexible solutions for the ongoing work of the Network in supporting PES through the recovery phase.

Board members reconfirmed the added value of Network learning events for PES dealing with the unexpected crisis of Covid-19 in real time. To build on this, the Board adopted an innovative and flexible new approach for the Network’s ongoing 3rd benchlearning cycle.

Whilst physical site visits are postponed until early 2021, Network members will pilot 1-2 voluntary online assessments in autumn 2020. Furthermore, a process of regular online meetings on crisis-related issues was agreed. Under the name ‘jour fixe’, the process will allow flexibility in the selection of topics to ensure they respond to PES’ immediate challenges and interests.

In addition, the Board confirmed the elaboration of an analytical study of PES crisis measures  and adjusted the mandate of the Working Group on ‘new forms of work’ to prepare a PES strategy for recovery.

The Board meeting was also the occasion to extend a warm welcome to Spiros Protopsaltis, the Governor of the Greek PES OAED Manpower, in his new role as the new First Vice-Chair of the Network and also to some new faces among the Board members. Find up-to-date information on all the Heads of PES that make up the PES Network Board at: www.pesnetwork.eu/the-network/board/

This Board meeting took place under the Croatian Presidency, with a welcoming speech from the Croatian State Secretary that shows the high-level political interest in the work of the PES Network. The next board meeting will take place in December 2020 under the German Presidency.

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