Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 30/03/2022

PES Network supports HR reforms in Lithuanian Public Employment Service

The Lithuanian Public Employment Service (PES) – UZT – has defined new plans to reform its human resources (HR) management thanks to the contributions of peer PES representatives through a PES Network Mutual Assistance Project.

Thanks to a recently concluded PES Network Mutual Assistance Project (MAP) – which enables any PES to request and receive targeted support and advice from peer PES on a specific issue they are facing – the Lithuanian PES (UZT) has managed to significantly progress its human resource (HR) management reforms, integrating this process into wider organisational and cultural change.

Speaking at the final workshop of the MAP, Inga Balnanosiene, Director of the Lithuanian PES, made the importance of the project clear: “Human resource management is the key from my point of view… How to engage the staff. How to engage the change agents in our institution. How to… act as a real team.”

In this context, the MAP provided Lithuanian colleagues with crucial insights from the Austrian PES (AMS), the regional PES for Brussels, Belgium (Actiris), HR expert Hanna Kinowska and PES expert Eamonn Davern. Their inspiration, guidance and advice fed directly into the ongoing reforms being planned by the Lithuanian PES.

Inga Balnanosiene highlights the tangible progress achieved by the Lithuanian PES during the process: “We have simplified our [institutional] strategy, we have updated our human resource management processes.” Key aspects have been to align HR more directly with the vision, values and mission statement of the organisation taking into account the perspective of staff, clients and the wider society.

Inga Balnanosiene was keen to recognise the value of the support provided during the MAP: “I would like to thank you for your time, for your fruitful cooperation and for your openness to give us your advice and explain how each and every step could be implemented in the Lithuanian PES – not just the theoretical [side], but to reflect everything according to our needs and our organisation.”

The Mutual Assistance Project was launched in June 2021 at the request of the Lithuanian PES and concluded in March 2022. It benefitted from three online workshops and intervening planning meetings covering topics such as HR management models, staff empowerment, staff development, and cultural change.

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