The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a multi-stakeholder initiative steered by the European Commission. The originator of the pledge is solely responsible for implementing the actions outlined in the pledge.
Description of the Organisation:The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona (CCIB) is an association of industrial and commercial enterprises, professionals, and traders who wish to develop economic relationships in Europe, especially between Italy and Spain. CCIB promotes and supports the different phases of internationalisation, providing commercial assistance to Spanish, Italian, and other European organisations through its large international networks. CCIB is s alsoupporting organization for PON, Erasmus+ and other mobility programme of Italian school where students (age 16-18) do their apprenticeships abroad (Spain) for a period of 2 weeks and a maximum of 3 months. Also, CCIB takes over usually one apprentices for each department: 1) Communication and Events; 2) Job Fairs and Trade Assistance; 3) EU project department; 4) Training department. By engaging in these activities, CCIB play a crucial role in bridging the gap between education and employment, ensuring that apprenticeship programme.
Join the Alliance!Do you feel inspired to join the Alliance? Complete the pledge application form and return it to