Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EAfA membership and pledges

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a multi-stakeholder initiative steered by the European Commission. The originator of the pledge is solely responsible for implementing the actions outlined in the pledge.

DLR Projektträger (Project Management Agency)

Organisation name:DLR Projektträger (DLR Project Management Agency)
Type of organisation: Large employer (more than 250 employees)
Organisation operations:Education and Training
Start date:01/01/2024
Contact person(s):Mr. Hannes Barske
Full pledge:Click here to download

Description of the Organisation:
As a technical advisor to bilateral VET cooperation projects of the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), DLR Projektträger has been providing important political impetus for years. Increasingly, project funding is being used as an instrument for shaping Germany’s bilateral cooperation in VET. DLR Projektträger has been involved in formative international vocational training cooperation (iBBZ) for over ten years. We have developed, implemented and evaluated five funding initiatives in this field and are still continuously implementing current and new BMBF’s bilateral vocational education and training cooperation initiatives. Recently, a flexible funding instrument, “CooperationVET”, was developed, to open doors for more and innovative funding calls in favour of bilateral VET cooperation projects.

Join the Alliance!
Do you feel inspired to join the Alliance? Complete the pledge application form and return it to empl-eafa@ec.europa.eu.

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