Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EAfA membership and pledges

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a multi-stakeholder initiative steered by the European Commission. The originator of the pledge is solely responsible for implementing the actions outlined in the pledge.

The Swedish National Agency for Education

logo Pledge
Organisation name:Skolverket, The Swedish National Agency for Education
Type of organisation: Public authority (local, regional or national)
Organisation operations:Education and Training
Start date:01/05/2019
Contact person(s):Mr. Kristoffer Nilsson
Full pledge:Click here to download

Description of the Organisation:
In 2013, the Ministry of Education gave Skolverket (the National Agency for Education) the mission to create an apprenticeship centre with the aim of enhancing the quality of apprenticeship in work-based learning (WBL) and increasing the number of apprentices in the country. The apprenticeship centre was created in 2014. In practice, the apprenticeship centre supports schools, companies and social partners, and contributes to the implementation of relevant reforms, such as the Gy11 upper secondary reform, the implementation of apprenticeship on different levels of the system, the law on apprentices’ employment. The apprenticeship centre conducts and disseminates research and organises conferences, events, site visits providing information to schools, VET providers and companies to support the development of apprenticeship schemes in Sweden.

Join the Alliance!
Do you feel inspired to join the Alliance? Complete the pledge application form and return it to empl-eafa@ec.europa.eu.

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