Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EAfA membership and pledges

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a multi-stakeholder initiative steered by the European Commission. The originator of the pledge is solely responsible for implementing the actions outlined in the pledge.

Ankara Chamber of Industry

logo Pledge
Organisation name:Ankara Chamber of Industry
Type of organisation: Chamber of commerce, trade and crafts
Organisation operations:N/A
Start date:01/01/2018
Contact person(s):Mrs. Nilay Sahin

Description of the Organisation:
ASO was established on November 18th, 1963 to support industrial development and industry-focused growth. ASO is affiliated with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey. ASO represents businesses in the Ankara region with the mission of contributing to the environmentally conscious production of high added value by Ankara industrialists and increasing their productivity and competitiveness and being pioneer and guide in the country's economic, technological, social and cultural development. The vision of ASO is making Ankara a leading industrial city using advanced technology and producing sustainable high added value. To achieve the vision and mission, ASO provides information, consultancy, training and business development services for its members and implements projects funded by national and international donors. ASO has 8054 members operating in 35 Professional Committees. ASO has 84 Assembly Members, 203 Professional Committee Members.

Join the Alliance!
Do you feel inspired to join the Alliance? Complete the pledge application form and return it to empl-eafa@ec.europa.eu.

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