Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EAfA membership and pledges

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a multi-stakeholder initiative steered by the European Commission. The originator of the pledge is solely responsible for implementing the actions outlined in the pledge.

FACE (Foundation Acting Against Exclusion)

Organisation name:FACE (Foundation Acting Against Exclusion)
Type of organisation: Research institution
Organisation operations:Other
Start date:01/01/2016
Contact person(s):Camille GUEZENNEC

Description of the Organisation:
FACE is a Public Utility Foundation created in France in 1993 by 15 corporate groups with the main objective to prevent and fight against any form of exclusion and discrimination. FACE and its network of more than 5250 companies work towards the accomplishment of four missions: 1) support the social and societal commitment of companies; 2) translate into individual and collective actions, the corporate social responsibility of companies; 3) develop social and societal innovations with and for companies; 4) affirm and provide a place for the discourse of responsible companies. Our Foundation, thanks to the involvement of companies and their employees as well as its strong local presence, represents an actor able to create synergies between relevant stakeholders at different scales. The personal commitment in our projects of companies' employees contributes to the originality of our initiatives and represents the added value of our work. Employees are key stakeholders in our actions thanks to their involvement at different stages of the projects, particularly through professional mentoring addressed to jobseekers. Thanks to the support of its 100 territorial structures, notably in France and Belgium, FACE is able to implement its projects at the local level throughout the entire French territory as well as in Belgium, and to contribute to the creation of working synergies with local actors and beneficiaries. FACE also counts on the support of its sheltered bodies in the achievement of the social goals standing at the core of its activity. The Foundation, in fact, has become the 3rd umbrella organisation in France in terms of number of organisations under its aegis. Our activities are focused on three main areas: 1) in the societal sphere, FACE develops projects fostering the professional integration of NEETS (through the promotion of national and transnational apprenticeships, voluntary missions, coaching and mentoring, certification and identification of informal competences...), the fight against school dropouts, budget management of the vulnerable population, and mobility, among others; 2) in the environmental sphere, FACE works in favour of the reduction of fuel poverty and energetic strategies to face climate change; 3) in the business scope, joining forces with French companies, FACE implements projects on diversity and inclusion schemes: support on the acquisition of the diversity label, promotion of gender equality initiatives at the workplace, fight against discrimination in the workplace. During the last few years, FACE has increasingly consolidated its international presence, scaling-up its activities in the CSR domains and its participation in European networks. The Foundation, indeed, has been involved in several European projects, collaborating with more than 15 partner organizations coming from 19 member states, and has recently integrated CSR Europe in 2015. So far, 13 projects of the Foundation have been financed by the European Union, being the project coordinator in 11 projects and a partner in the remaining 2.

Join the Alliance!
Do you feel inspired to join the Alliance? Complete the pledge application form and return it to empl-eafa@ec.europa.eu.

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