Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EAfA membership and pledges

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a multi-stakeholder initiative steered by the European Commission. The originator of the pledge is solely responsible for implementing the actions outlined in the pledge.


Organisation name:CENTOFORM S.r.l.
Type of organisation: Training provider
Organisation operations:Other
Start date:01/01/2016
Contact person(s):Alessandro Mazzini

Description of the Organisation:
CENTOFORM, set up in 2001, is a Vocational Training Centre recognized with Quality Accreditation on training by the Emilia Romagna Region, Italy. During 15 years of activity the VET Centre created an operative multiregional and international relationship network with SMEs, public institutions, VET schools, universities and R&D centres. It is partner of Confindustria, the main Italian industrial association, and it works in collaboration with representatives and clusters of productive sectors at National, European and International level. The staff (25 employees and 15 external professionals) is composed by VET senior projects managers, administrative staff, senior and junior consultants with expertise in the fields of training, business planning, consulting, research, management and financial reporting on Italian, European and international funds and projects. During 2015 Centoform designed and managed over 90 training courses addressed to unemployed and employed people using ESF funds. For unemployed people Centoform implemented 6 courses lasting between 240 and 800 hours, involving a total of 80 participants, financed by ESF and finalized to employability. For employed people Centoform implemented 83 training courses with an average lenght of 30 hours, involving a total of about 400 workers. Moreover, we carried out orientation and counseling activities addressed to employment seekers in collaboration with the Employment Service network of Ferrara Province. Centoform deals with Apprenticeship-related projects for young people and other forms of in-company training since several years. In the years 2007-2015 a total of 2.168 apprentices and 425 internships/incompany trainers were involved. Centoform is involved as applicant and partner in two Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships projects running from 2015 to 2019. LEAN Training by doing and training on the go as effective approaches to lean manufacturing. Project n. 2015-1-IT01-KA202-004749 Applicant. Countries involved: Italy, Romania, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, Norway. CoTraiN collaborative training networks for apprenticeship. Partner Countries involved: Belgium, Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece. We continuously work with European consortia and partners in order to apply for innovative projects on VET, apprenticeship and also EasI calls for proposals in case employability issued are tackled. The horizon up to 2020 is to strengthen European partnership and get involved in continues upgrade of skills and competences for our beneficiaries, staff and SMEs clients.

Join the Alliance!
Do you feel inspired to join the Alliance? Complete the pledge application form and return it to empl-eafa@ec.europa.eu.

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